Monthly Archives: januari 2022

Creating a map of Covid cases per municipality in QGIS

Since the beginning of Covid-19, I’ve from time to time downloaded the official Dutch Covid-19 statistics (available here) and created my own plots, using a Jupyter Python notebook that you can find over on Github. But it’s also interesting to view maps instead of only timeline plots. Unfortunately, the official […]

GNU Octave

During my studies in geodesy and surveying, we did a lot of linear algebra computations, as adjustment theory requires matrix computations. Naturally, Matlab was used a lot – although I preferred to stick with C++ most of the time, which necessitated writing my own matrix library. But there’s no denying […]


A decent text editor is one of the most important programs on your computer. I use it for coding, for looking at the results, and sometimes simply for taking notes. Since Windows still only comes with crappy Notepad, you need to find something else. Luckily, there’s Notepad++, a free text […]