
  • Object detection with YOLO
    Yolo is a well-known and popular object detection architecture. It is also very easy to use as things like model download and using various input sources are handled by the script. The Tensorflow Object Detection API could learn a thing or two from this… You can download everything from Github via git or by ...
  • How to configure Anaconda
    If you want to explore data science and machine learning on Windows, Anaconda is the easiest way to get a running Python distribution with all required packages. You can install additional packages with the conda install command. The problem here is that most packages are available from the conda-forge channel, which is not enabled by ...
  • Internet op vakantie
    Internet is tegenwoordig toch een beetje een must voor iedereen, ook op vakantie. Vrijwel alle vakantieparken bieden daarom tegenwoordig ook WiFi aan. Soms gaat dat gepaard met weinig beperkingen, maar vaak moet je betalen of is het beperkt tot vier apparaten. Met vier tablets, twee telefoons, een gameconsole en een laptop is ook dat snel ...
  • How to get started with the Google Tensorflow Object Detection API
    Object detection and recognition is a hot item, and massive advances have been achieved in recent years thanks to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Besides the technology, you also need either labelled training data or pre-trained models. The COCO dataset is a popular set of images used for training and evaluating object detection models. Google provide an ...
  • LAStools
    When dealing with point clouds, you’ll probably run into the LAS format at some point, as it is the file format most commonly used for point clouds acquired through laser scanning. LAS supports a number of useful (even essential) attributes for each point. Due to being binary, it is quicker to read and write than ...
  • How to read input from a file in a batch script
    Windows batch scripts are incredibly useful for processing data. You can automate many tasks by a simple batch file. The most common thing that I use is a for loop over all files of a certain file name pattern, often extension: for %%I in (*.laz) do ( do something with %%I ) But there are cases where it is ...
  • Hoe de bijtelling de autoverkoop stuurt
    Wat is bijtelling? Als een werknemer voor zijn werkgever een auto beschikbaar gesteld krijgt, die hij of zij ook privĂ© gebruikt (vanaf 500 km per jaar) , dan ziet de fiscus dit als een soort van salaris. Daarom wordt een fictief bedrag (de bijtelling) bij het salaris opgeteld, waarover loonheffing betaald moet worden. Bij auto’s jonger ...
  • Displaying your position in a Leaflet viewer
    A colleague asked my whether it would be possible to view the current location of a user in a Leaflet-based GIS viewer. Luckily, this is very easy to do, as explained in this tutorial. All you need to add to the code of my previous example is the following code: function onLocationFound(e) { var radius = e.accuracy; L.marker(e.latlng).addTo(map);, ...
  • Computing the accuracy of GNSS baselines
    When designing a surveying network, it is important to know the accuracy of your observations in order to get a realistic estimate of the accuracy that can be achieved for the coordinates. For traditional observations such as total stations angles and distances, we usually rely on manufacturer specifications and experience. For GNSS baselines, this is ...
  • Creating a map of Covid cases per municipality in QGIS
    Since the beginning of Covid-19, I’ve from time to time downloaded the official Dutch Covid-19 statistics (available here) and created my own plots, using a Jupyter Python notebook that you can find over on Github. But it’s also interesting to view maps instead of only timeline plots. Unfortunately, the official map shown on the Coronadashboard ...